Individual Team Scoresheets
Wednesday, 10/20/2022 |
Individual Team scoresheets for the 2020 IMRC will be emailed to team points of contact within one week. Please stand by and thank you for your patience. To view the final results of the Competition, please visit the Results page at
NOTICE in Case of HIGH Covid Transmission
August 4, 2022 |
If Raleigh County, in which the National Mine Health and Safety Academy is located, is experiencing a HIGH Covid Transmission Rate at the time the International Mines Rescue Competition is being held, the following precautions will be in place and must be complied with.
- Temperature will be taken of each person entering the National Mine Health and Safety Academy grounds.
- A Mask or Face Covering must be worn in ALL indoor spaces.
- Social Distancing must be kept in ALL indoor spaces
Example Score Sheets
Friday, July 22, 2022 |
Example Score Sheets
The example score sheets linked below (.pdf) are provided for your reference. Please contact with any questions.
COVID Guidance
June 16, 2022 |
COVID Guidance
As of June 16, 2022, "fully vaccinated" means that you can travel to the United States and Wwest Virginia two full weeks after your final dose of your 2-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. You are then considered "fully vaccinated".
You are also considered "fully vaccinated" for travel to the United States after you have the one-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine and wait 2 weeks after that dose. We prefer for all participants to get booster shots when eligible and stay "up to date" with vaccinations. However, this is not mandatory.
Please refer to the CDC website for updates as they become available.
We will update this guidance as new information becomes available.
Update to First Aid Supplies...
May 25, 2022 |
Update to First Aid Supplies Provided by the IMRC for the First Aid Simulation
The 2020 IMRC Rules state that the IMRC will provide 6 Pairs of Examination Gloves for the First Aid Simulation.
To ensure the Health and Safety of ALL individuals involved in the First Aid Simulation during the 2020 IMRC, the decision has been made that the IMRC will provide as many pairs of examinations gloves as a Team may require to complete the First Aid Simulation.
SAFETY UPDATE For Mine Rescue Skills Team Challenge
May 19, 2022 |
1) Log Sawing Challenge
EACH Team member of the six (6) person team will:
- Saw a log in half with a handsaw
While in the process of sawing the log the Team Member Sawing the log WILL NOT place their “Free” hand on the log. Contest Officials will secure the log against movement and will stop the Team Member if they place their “Free” hand on the log. On the first occurrence the Contest Officials will warn the Team Member. If the Team Member places their “free” hand on the log again, Contest Officials will stop them and 1 minute will be added to the working time.
2) Carry Challenge
EACH Team member will:
- Carry (2) forty-one (41 lbs) pound items (Dragersorb Kegs) for a distance of fifty (50) feet and
- Return to the starting point while carrying the items
3) Fire Hose lay out Challenge
EACH Team Member will:
- Roll out two (2) sections of fire hose from the designated starting point
- Connect the two sections of fire hose
- Un-connect and reroll the fire hose
- Return the fire hose to the starting point
4) Sledge Hammer Challenge
EACH Team Member will:
- Use a sixteen (12) pound sledge hammer to move an 8 inch wide by 8 inch thick by 4 foot long log a distance of 4 feet.
Security of "Live Feed" Locations
May 6, 2022 |
Security of the Mine Rescue and First Aid Simulations “Live Feed” Locations
During the days of competition during the International Mines Rescue Competition the Mine Rescue Simulation and the First Aid Simulation will be “live fed” to the Auditorium and Classroom G-214 at the National Mine Health & Safety Academy. This is due to the limited access of those two competitions.
The Mine Rescue Simulation will be live fed to the Auditorium and the First Aid Simulation will be live fed to Classroom G-214.
The ensure the integrity and lessen the possibly of any information about the simulations being given to Teams that have not performed those simulations. Only persons associated with the Teams that are currently performing those simulations will be allowed into these areas. Contest Officials and other approved persons will be granted access to those areas.
All persons at the International Mines Rescue Competition will be issued identification badges upon registration and the badges MUST be worn at ALL times. Contest Personnel will be stationed at both locations of the Live Feed and will check the Badges of those wishing to enter those areas. Persons without badges or appropriate permission will not allowed access to those areas.
Isolation of Competing Teams
May 6, 2022 |
Isolation of Competing Teams during the International Mines Rescue Competition
During the days of competition during the International Mines Rescue Competition there will be NO CENTRALIZED Isolation of the competing Teams. All competing Teams shall remain at their Lodging Location until their assigned time(s) to report to their scheduled simulation. The assigned simulations and times will be given to the Teams at the time of registration.
Teams will be transported to the Competition Sites and returned to their lodging locations by the IMRC.
ALL Team Members, Interpreters and associated persons will be given identification badges at the time of registration. The badges MUST be worn at ALL times when at the competition sites. Persons without badges will not be allowed at the competition sites.
Use of PPE and Disinfection Procedures
April 8, 2022 |
To enable the IMRC to provide for the personal health and safety of all individuals involved in the competitions during the International Mines Rescue Competition, anyone handling equipment such as SCBA’s during the Technician Competition and other equipment such as hand-held radios and gas detecting equipment, etc. will be required to wear disposable gloves. This includes all Contestants as well as Judges and other Competition Officials
The gloves will be provided by the IMRC and disposal areas will be available at all competition sites. Shared equipment such as SCBA’s, mannequins, etc. will be disinfected after use.
A PDF version of this update as well as other documents and rules related to the IMRC are available on the Rules page.
First Aid Rules Change
March 23, 2022 |
The following changes have been made to Page 5 of the International First Aid Rules:
The reference material being used to develop the scoresheets are as follows;
Emergency Medical Responder (First on Scene) 11th Edition Le Baudour Bergeron Workbook for Medical Responder (First on Scene) 11th Edition Le Baudour Bergeron Basic Life Support, American Heart Association 2020 Basic Life Support Provider Manual (for copies All participating teams should use this reference material to prepare for the first aid competition. The minimum level of first aid training expected will be First Aid Training that is required by the jurisdiction that a Team is from or international equivalent.
Transparency and Fairness:
Teams that are trained by first aid providers other than Emergency Medical Responder (First on Scene) 11th Edition will not be at a disadvantage. With the goal of transparency and fairness Emergency Medical Responder (First on Scene) 11th Edition and American Heart Association Instructors are assisting in the development of the scenario. The treatment of all injuries will be reviewed by a medical professional.
News Flash!
March 9, 2022 |
Good News!
The MSHA Academy in Beckley, WV is the venue for most of the IMRC competition events. MSHA has informed us that the Academy will re-open fully in May 2022. We had been waiting to hear from MSHA regarding the re-opening and we now have the green light to proceed with the IMRC.
All teams that have submitted applications or registrations should update their information and send their registration fees (if you have not done so already) as directed on the registration forms which are located on the competition website. Judges should also update their registration forms as needed. Similarly, vendors and observers should update their registration forms and submit fees as indicated. If you or your company wishes to be a sponsor, please contact Jeff Kravitz:
Volunteers should contact (Mack Wright: or Link Selfe: to get on the Volunteer list.
Thank you,
Jeff Kravitz
President, Holmes Mine Rescue Association
2022 Gas Detector Update
February 9, 2022 |
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the 2020 IMRC Mine Rescue Skills Competitors will be provided with
Industrial Scientific MX-6 Multi-Gas Detector(s) in lieu of the previously listed Drager X-am 8000 Gas Testing Proficiency. Please review the PDF linked below for additional information about this important update.
2022 Gas Detector Update.pdf
Additional Updates for Teams and Judges
February 8, 2022 |
Team Challenge Score Sheets
Updated 2020 IMRC Judge's Preliminary Information
2020 IMRC Training Questionnaire
Originally posted March 3, 2020.
Competition Postponed to 2022
October 19, 2020 |
The IMRC will take place September 9-16, 2022
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to postpone the IMRC 2020 competition until September 2022. We will post additional details as they become available.
Updated Forms For 2021
May 8, 2020 |
Several registration and application forms have been updated on the 2020 International Mine Rescue Competition website to reflect the new competition date and submission deadlines. The Team Orientation Schedule has also been updated.
Visit the Competition Rules page to access the updated content and, as always, contact us at with any questions.
We look forward to seeing you in April 2021!
IMRC 2020 postponed until next year.
March 23, 2020 |
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to postpone the IMRC 2020 competition until next year. We will post details as soon as they become available.
Update for Breathing Apparatus Provided for the 2020 IMRC
March 11, 2020 |
This is to clarify a question pertaining to the Team Registration Form (example below) concerning the Breathing Apparatuses provided by the 2020 IMRC for use during the Mine Rescue Simulation and the Mine Rescue Skills segments of the 2020 IMRC. The U.S. Teams only should not have been included. (In Red)
- U.S. and International Teams can chose to use either a BG 4 or a Biomarine 240R.
- Either apparatus (BG 4 or 240R) will be provided for U.S. and International Teams.
- The Teams must designate which apparatus they desire to use on their registration form.
U. S. Teams can bring and use their own apparatuses. The apparatuses must be turned in on Sunday, September 13th 2020 at the Mine Emergency Operations building at the National Mine Health and Safety Academy. These apparatuses MUST be clearly identified and be in proper working order. The Team’s apparatuses can be picked up any time after they have completed using them.
Will be bringing own: |
Yes |
No |
If Yes, Make and Model: |
Drager BG4 Tream Provided
Drager BG4 IMRC Provided
or Biomarine 240R (U.S. Teams Only)
Inclement Weather Safety Precautions
March 3, 2020 |
Team safety is the number one priority at the 2020 International Mines Rescue Competition. In the event of inclement weather (Lightning) that may affect the outdoor firefighting scenario and Mine Rescue Skills Team Challenge, the following guidelines will be
If a lightning strike is detected within a 15 mile radius, the teams will be taken into a holding area until the lightning has been cleared for 15 minutes. Teams will not be delayed for more than 2 hours. If the event cannot be completed at the scheduled time and/or date at the team’s discretion, another attempt will be made later that day (pending visibility conditions) or on Friday, September 18th to complete any affected portion of the competition.
January 30, 2020 |
Drager X-am 8000’s will be provided for the Contestants during the Gas Testing Segment of the Mine Rescue Team Skills portion of the 2020 IMRC. The Drager X-am 8000 is shown on pages 124 and 125 of the 2020 IMRC Rules.
On Page 126 of the 2020 IMRC Rules under "IMRC will provide," the incorrect Instrument is listed. The MX-6 Instrument is listed in error. The Instrument provided will be the Drager X-am 8000.
Training for the Drager X-am 8000 will be provided to the Teams during their scheduled Training on Sunday, Sept. 13th and Monday Sept. 14th 2020.
Team Technician at the 2020 IMRC
January 9, 2020 |
After much thought, deliberation and conversation, it has been decided that the 2020 International Mines Rescue Competition Rules be amended to allow the Team Technician designated by a particular team to participate in the other simulations that are a part of the IMRC.
The Team Technician must be a part of the 10 person roster that is submitted by the Team and can participate in any simulation that the Teams desires. The Team Technician must be identified as such at the time of registration. Teams cannot add an additional person to the 10 person roster to serve as the Team Technician.
Teams may continue to not use the Team Technician in any other simulations if that is their desire but they must make the distinction at the time of registration.
If accepted by the IMRB and 2020 IMRC Committee, this amendment can be added to the website and the Teams already registered can be contacted an informed of the change.
Beaver WV to Host International Competition

The National Mine Health and Safety Acadamy in Beaver, WV, USA will host the next International Mines Rescue Competition.
Details have yet to be determined, but the twelfth biennial competition, which has the support of government, industry, and several international mining companies operating in the United States, will be held in September 2020.
The IMRB is in the process of finalizing dates, securing necessary venues and preparing an information package – website, newsletter and registration material - for the event. Additional information will be released in late 2019.

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